Oct 8, 2008

One of the oldest Wall Street Adages know on Wall Street is: SELL ON ROSH HASHANNAH; BUY ON YOM KIPPUR !

Well, we'll see how it holds up this year (5769 of the Hebrew Calendar). But, there is a wonderful set up building for a dramatic slide on tomorrow's open, and an intra-day bottom, with a massive rally from around that low. I'd love to see the Dow test the low 8000's tomorrow, S&P test high 800's to low 900's, and the Nasdaq test 1500-1600, then reverse violently. If this scenario happens, a multi month low is a good bet.

The short selling ban ends tonight at midnight as well. Wouldn't it be interesting if as short selling becomes available again, it sparks a monster rally, thus ending the falacy that shorting causes markets to fall?

For what it's worth,


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