Nov 6, 2008


Like our election day warning said, "buy the rumor, sell the news" and THEY have sold everything hard ever since Obama spoke those words that will also live in INFAMY: "Change has come to America"!

No doubt change has come, but will it be the change we need, or the change THEY tell us we need? Noone can still believe THEY are doing what is "our" best interest anymore, not after the lies and denial of the past year, let alone the past 10 years. Whether it's the "weapons of mass destruction" that never were found, or the "recession" that we are technically NOT in, is there a single truth that anyone can point to that has helped us recently?

Let's hope that the change that has come is at least honesty! If life is getting worse for the masses, let's hope that we can know in advance, and prepare, rather than being left to hold the empty bags.

Be cautious what you wish it worth the price? What is the cost/benefit ratio? Who is the grantor of the wishes, and what are they getting out of the deal? These are questions that are hard to ask when we're in personal pain, but must be asked. Otherwise, the current pain we are trying to get rid of proves to be nothing compared to the pain we suffer for acting emotionally at the wrong time.

As Rummy so eloquently said, "There is the stuff we know we don't know that is the unknown". We can all agree that we have a little better handle on this concept today than we did a year ago. But, compared to what we still don't know, what we know is not worth knowing.

To tie this all together from the wisdom of the past several comments of the past month, much of which I collected during years of personal research and work around the country with experts in their fields, the main engine of our decision support system is targeted to uncover what they are "doing", rather than what they are saying.

So far, while dreaming about the future and how it will look once change comes, THEY are still selling everything that is not attached to the floors and walls including: crude, euros, stocks, gold, and bonds. Why? Because the massive multi decade bets that THEY'VE been playing, with the help of those in power, are no longer playable. And they want out of the game, NOW. So, everything is for sale until they know the new game, which will take several months to know and learn. Until then, there is no price support, no matter what is being talked about. In other words, don't rely on Dow 8000 holding, as it means nothing to those that need to raise cash at all costs.

CHANGE HAS COME to America my friends, even if this is not the change you expected.

For what it's worth,


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